Start here.
You’re an Entrepreneur or a Real Estate Investor.
You have been to the meetings, you've read the books, you've taken the classes, and you just want an experienced person with whom to discuss how to move forward or level up in a way that best meets your needs and goals. You want greater satisfaction out of life by operating more and more in your personal zone of genius. Let's shake loose, break free, and get it done!
Descriptions of Options:
Personal aptitudes assessment and a 20 minute virtual meeting with Kris to discuss how you can best apply this information to your business and your life.
The assessment alone has a $49 retail value.One 60 minute Strategy Session to discuss just about anything you like related to your business.
Personal aptitudes evaluation not included.
Paid coaching clients receive a complimentary scientifically backed and gamified aptitude discovery evaluation. ($49 retail value)
Current and former clients are first in line for invitations to future events and workshops.
Only current and former clients may be offered promotional pricing for future events and workshops.